Union Constitutional Tribunal Member attends AACC board member countries meeting, international symposium
2023 June 6
MEMBER of the Union Constitutional Tribunal Dr Malar Aung participated online yesterday in the Asian Association of Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Organizations (AACC) Board Member States Meeting and International Symposium, hosted by the Constitutional Court of Mongolia. Chief Justices and chairs from 20 AACC member countries attended the meeting of the member countries of the board. Afterwards, the meeting of the member countries of the board and an international symposium were held under the title of Protection of Human Rights within the Constitutional Review and the Chief Justices, Chairs and members of the Chief Justices of the Constitutional Courts from Mongolia, Indonesia, the Russian Federation, Republic of Korea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Thailand, Turkiye, including Myanmar presented papers. At the International Symposium, Union Constitutional Tribunal Member Dr Malar Aung read a paper entitled “The Improvement of the Protection of Human Rights within Constitutional System in Myanmar”: Many national brethren live together in Myanmar; All those ethnic groups must not be discriminated against one another in any way, and all basic rights of citizens are guaranteed equally by the constitution; Myanmar has signed regional and international treaties on human rights. In protecting the basic rights of the citizens in accordance with the constitution, they are protected by means of appeals to the Union Constitutional Tribunal through parliamentarians and in addition, it was presented and discussed that protection is provided through the application of a message to the Supreme Court of the Union. Participating member countries continued to read and Union Constitutional Tribunal Member Dr Marlar Aung participates in the AACC board member countries meeting and international symposium online yesterday. present their country-specific papers, and the meeting was adjourned in the evening.