Union Constitutional Tribunal Chair represents Myanmar at Legal Year 2024 online meeting
Nay Pyi Taw, January 10
CHAIRMAN of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union U Aung Zaw Thein represented Myanmar at the virtual Presentation of the Annual Report 2023 and Opening Ceremony of the Legal Year 2024 held by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia yesterday in Jakarta, Indonesia. Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia, Dr Suhartoyo MH, delivered the opening address. Subsequently, he discussed the cases adjudicated by the Constitutional Court, establishing the Judicial Ethics Council, and collaborations with constitutional bodies from other countries. He presented a documentary video regarding the 2023 annual report. Then, the Chief Justice concluded the online meeting with a farewell message. Representatives from member countries of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions, including Myanmar, as well as guests, participated in the virtual meeting.