The Constitutional Tribunal of the Union of Myanmar holds Kathina robe-offering ceremony for 2022
Nay Pyi Taw, 2022 November 4
The Constitutional Tribunal of the Union of Myanmar held the 12th Kathina robe-offering ceremony for 2022 at 10:00 am at the meeting room no. (2) on 4 Nov 2022, attended by Chairman of the Constitutional Tribunal, Members of the Constitutional Tribunal and the Permanent Secretary, the Deputy Permanent Secretary, the Deputy Director General, officers and staff.
The congregation took the Five Precepts from the Sayadaw of the monastery of Laykyun mandaing monastery in Ottarathiri Township.
The Chairman of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union of Myanmar donated Kahina robes and alms to the Sayardaw of Laykyun mandaing monastery and Members of the Constitutional Tribunal also donated Kathina robes and offerings to Sangha of the laykyun mandaing monastery.
The Chairman and party took a sermon delevered by laykyun mandaing sayadaw and shared merits gained.
After the ceremony, the Chairman person and Members of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union offered day meals to members of the Sangha led by laykyun mandaing sayadaw.
This Kathina robe-offering ceremony for 2022 donated (3) Padethabin structures and the total value of donations amounted to K 2,971,800.