

ဖွဲ့စည်းပုံအခြေခံဥပဒေသည် နိုင်ငံတော်အတွင်းရှိ ဉပဒေအားလုံး၏ အခြေခံဖြစ်သည်။

Seminar on Constitutional Law and Adjudication Papers of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union

Nay Pyi Taw,2022 October 27

  The Seminar was held at the meeting hall of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union in Nay Pyi Taw, at 9:30 am on 27 October, 2022. Deputy Director, Daw Thidar Tin and Assistant Director, Daw Ei Ei Soe presented the research paper on “Constitution of Australia”. And after that the Deputy Director, Daw Nant Yin Yin Nwe and Deputy Staff Officer, Daw Khin Mon Htay made a presentation on the research paper on the topic of “Tajikistan Constitutional Court’s Decision”. After each of the Presenter’s presentation, follow the question and answer session.

  The Chairperson and Members of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union, the Permanent Secretary, Deputy Director General and officials attended.