

ဖွဲ့စည်းပုံအခြေခံဥပဒေသည် နိုင်ငံတော်အတွင်းရှိ ဉပဒေအားလုံး၏ အခြေခံဖြစ်သည်။

Attending the 8th Summer School with Video Conferencing System

Nay Pyi Taw, 2022, September, 8

   The two officers who are Dr. Khine Zar Thwe (Deputy Director) and Dr. May Su Hlaing (Assistant Director), attended the 8th Summer School " Restriction of Human Rights and Freedoms on Health Emergencies: The example of COVID-19" held by the Constitutional Court of Turkey from 7th September to 8th September by Video Conferencing System.

   The researchers from (28) countries including Myanmar, attended that Summer School and researchers of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union disscussed about the paper " Restriction of Human Rights and Freedoms on Health Emergencies".